Introducing the new All-Party Parliamentary Group for Fair Elections
It was standing room only in Portcullis house for the inaugural meeting of the new All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Fair Elections.
A truly fair democracy, where everyone’s rights are respected and individuals and communities are empowered.
Everyone should have equal power in our democracy, and be able to hold all Members of Parliament properly to account.
Win a proportional voting system for Westminster and for English local authority elections during the 2024-29 parliamentary term; and at the latest in the first King's Speech after the next General Election.
1. Make ‘proportional representation’ relevant to voters and central to overcoming the twin challenges of societal alienation and distrust of politics.
2. Maintain close cooperation with party leadership, and our parliamentary party, to use our parliamentary platform to bring about change.
3. Maximise the number of party members and supporters campaigning for reform.
4. Play a leading role in galvanising cross-party and non-party collaboration in order to achieve fair, equal votes.
5. Actively support regional/nations steps towards PR, such as in Wales, where there is potential for the adoption of STV for local elections.
It was standing room only in Portcullis house for the inaugural meeting of the new All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Fair Elections.
Wendy Chamberlain MP, our Chief Whip and LDER President will be speaking along with some great guest speakers at our Conference fringe panel.
As an example of the work we do, we have uploaded a draft Electoral Representation Bill to the website that was prepared in the months prior to the 2024 GE and intended as a briefing for the LD leadership to use in case of a hung parliament.